I write in this blog sometimes. I took a break from watching a forever marathon of instant stream Netflix: 48 Hours. I watched all the Investigative Discovery shows already. I love that kind of reality television. There's so much suspense, tragedy, and wonder surrounding homicide. I'll keep watching. My favorite cities are Miami (duh!), Memphis, and Harris County. I looked up one for the Chicago area, but the only genre I found was missing persons.
In the meantime, I ordered some new bizness cards... they're really purdy. I didn't mispell any words on them, like I did here. I am excited! When payday comes, art art art art art bitch (Beautiful, Intelligent, Talented, Charismatic, Hellacious) gets working on applying for various summer events and preparing for more creation.
Until then, I have to hear my downstairs neighbor play video games all night and try to hide his weed scent with incense. Nighty night!